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Vision 2020

India Vision 2020 was initially a document prepared by the Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) of India's Department of Science and Technology under the chairmanship of Dr. A. P. J. Kalam and a team of 500 experts. The plan is further detailed in the book India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium, which Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam coauthored with Dr.Y.S.Rajan

Kalam described the plan as follows: "Transforming the nation into a developed country, five areas in combination have been identified based on India's core competence, natural resources and talented manpower for integrated action to double the growth rate of GDP and realize the Vision of Developed India." 'Organisations promoting this with youngstars help' Now there is a group or private organisation called "Visionars Orgnisation In Service to Society (VOISS)" and their page names in social-networking sites as "Let's complete his vision 2020" to promote this vision 2020 after the death of Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam. Their main aim is divided into a few simple but complicated steps which cannot be done with out the help of the people of India people

Leaky Cauldron – I asked the sabjiwali, “Why do prices shoot up every monsoon?” The old lady shook her head, pointed her finger and stabbed out the words, leaking warehouses spoil fresh produce. First of all there are far lesser storage facilities than needed. But even those which are standing are dirty, ramshackle and rat-infested. Forget temperature-controlled, insulated rooms in developed countries, in India if it’s not leaking it’s a miracle.

Meddlesome Middlemen – This is a classic case of government inaction. Middlemen are the reason why the farmers are underpaid and consumers over-charged. They hoard and stock up and regulate the flow in a free market. Everybody knows it, and like ostriches with their bald heads tucked into the sand during a storm, the ministers refuse to address the issue. After all, there are cartels and votebank involved. These middlemen, they are a menace, enough said.

E for Education – What else can we say that hasn’t been said before? Education is one of the strongest pillar of development. Every child should be entitled to it. Illiteracy is the single-most incriminating factor in lack of progress. More schools and better quality of education is a must. Better yet, free and compulsory primary education and merit-based scholarships in higher education should be considered.

Research un-benefit- Indian PMs have over the years lamented brain drain from the country, but concrete steps have been taken? Developed nations make research and post-doctoral studies lucrative, with enough pay packages to compete with corporate offers. Our researches hardly get enough benefits, few labs in the country have proper equipments and few of us appreciate the effort made by our scientists. TV shows talk about singers and dancers and they have become our Idols now, season after season.

Tech troubles - The crux of the matter is, we need to stop buying and start inventing. There used to be a time when Indian physicists and engineers were world famous for their inventions. Now we spend an obscene amount of money to buy weapons and jets from other countries. Spend that amount on our own scientists and R&D, the world will come to us.